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My name is Daniel Grinberg. I was born in Buenos Aires in 1959 under the name of Guillermo (Guille) Grinberg to a Jewish family, originally from Moldova. My father was a lawyer and my mother an accountant. Both with very conservative and practical values, didn't support my obvious attraction to music. Without a musical education or a teacher, I started playing musical instruments which I found at home, at a very young age. Starting with a tonete, a small plastic flute, and then an old and broken guitar which I replaced when I was 12 years old with a new one, after earning some money at a summer job. The first tune I remember playing was a flute solo part of a song named mañana campestre by a local band - Arco Iris. As a child I was very much influenced by Argentinian rock bands and folklore music, and mainly by Vox Dei, Almendra and of course Mercedes Sosa. Also idealist heroes made an impact on me and mainly the Che Guevara. One day everything was clear when listening for the first time to Let It Be by the Beatles.

At the age of 13 I moved with my family to Israel, a foreign country where I did not understand the language, an experience that made me closer to my affinity to music. At the very first day at school, seating in a classroom with children talking to me but not understanding a single word, the teacher decided that I need a Hebrew name and chose for me the name Daniel. So at that day in 1972 Guille, the child from Buenos Aires, which was so much connected to the local culture, who loved the city, the streets, the people and the language, ended its existence and Daniel was born, an immigrant child in a  foreign country. Few years later I was sent to the army as a combat soldier, a terrifying experience which took 3 years. But one good thing came out of it. At the age of 17 I met Josline, the most beautiful girl and human been ever, who saved me in every possible meaning.


So now I was inspired by Israeli rock artist such as Shalom Hanoch, Arik Einstein and Hava Albernstein.

I acquired my playing skills mainly by observing musicians playing at local bands' rehearsals, where I used to hang out a lot as a teenager.  After three years of military service, I taught myself the theoretical foundations of music and was accepted to the Academy of Music at Tel Aviv University.

I recorded five albums: A Journey to the Soul of Earth (2008), Short Stories (2015), Million Colors (2018) and My Hippie Trip and its Hebrew version - About Love and Pain (2021). Beside those I created in 1995 a children songs' album and composed music for theatre and dance shows.

Me and Josline married in 1981. We have a daughter, two sons and three grand children. 

"Lo ideal sería tener el corazón en la cabeza y el cerebro en el pecho. Así pensaríamos con amor y amaríamos con sabiduría".

"The ideal would be to have the heart in the head and the brain in the chest. That way we would think with love and love with wisdom".


© All rights reserved to Daniel Grinberg
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